“But I Went to Law School! I Couldn’t Possibly Have… Oh.”
Some days, I move through the world seeing only half of it. I don’t mean that figuratively — my distractibility is so high I sometimes forget to put in both contact lenses and leave one behind. I...
View ArticleIs Your Teen Vaping? Why ADHD Brains Get Addicted & How to Quit
Most parents are keenly aware of the dangers of vaping. After decades of decline in teen smoking, nicotine is again finding its way to teens and young adults. Among youth, a primary appeal of...
View ArticleFirst Treatment for Peanut Allergy Approved by FDA
Palforzia is not a cure, youngsters using the treatment still must avoid peanuts, and protection is lost if they stop taking the powder daily.
View ArticleOne Egg Per Day Is Heart-Healthy, After All
Americans for decades have gotten dietary whiplash from the back-and-forth science on whether eggs are good for them. But a major new study will have many egg-lovers relieved.
View ArticleNew Clinical Guidelines: Holistic Treatment Is Best for Children with ADHD...
February 3, 2020 Psychosocial interventions paired with medication is the recommended treatment for children and teens with ADHD and comorbid conditions such as learning disabilities, anxiety, or mood...
View ArticleCervical Cancer Could All But Disappear in North America by 2040
The WHO plan also calls for 70% of women to be screened for cervical cancer once or twice in their lifetime, and for 90% of women with precancerous lesions or cervical cancer to receive appropriate...
View ArticleStrong Support Network Is Key to Women's Cancer Recovery: Study
Compared to those with strong social support, those with low support had a 52% higher risk of death from all causes and a 42% higher risk of death from colorectal cancer, the findings showed.
View ArticleMeat Still Isn't Healthy, Study Confirms
These latest findings might seem to contradict an earlier study -- published in the fall in the Annals of Internal Medicine -- that had meat fans cheering. That study reported researchers couldn't say...
View ArticleUntreated Sleep Apnea Puts Your Heart at High Risk
The AASM points to several major warning signs and risk factors for sleep apnea: snoring, choking or gasping, fatigue, obesity and high blood pressure.
View ArticlePregnancy, Breastfeeding May Guard Against Early Menopause
The risk was lowest among those who breast-fed exclusively, meaning the baby received breast milk only -- no liquids or solid foods. Early menopause is the end of menstruation before age 45, the study...
View ArticleQ: My Small House Is Exploding — from the Kitchen Out
Q: “Leslie, help!… we recently downsized and I’m running out of space, especially in the kitchen. What can we do to maximize space especially with all the extras we have to keep on hand for our little...
View ArticleOn Carrying the Burden of Judgment — Especially My Own
Adulting is hard. Adulting when you’re neurodivergent? Failure compounded by shame, compounded further by isolation. So much of adulthood is about remembering. I’m expected to remember birthdays,...
View ArticleHIV Vaccine Ineffective, Clinical Trial Halted
The announcement that the HIV vaccine clinical trial has been stopped is a "deep disappointment," said a news release from the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, a group formed to spur efforts to develop...
View ArticleDentists Among Top Prescribers of Opioids
More than half of the opioid prescriptions issued by dentists were for longer than the three-day supply recommended by the CDC for acute dental pain management
View ArticleHIV Drug Costs Soaring, Jeopardizing Effort to End Epidemic
Even with new generic options, initial treatments now top $36,000 per patient per year, according to the study.
View ArticleShannen Doherty Says She Has Stage 4 Breast Cancer
Doherty, 48, first revealed she had breast cancer in 2015 and provided updates about her battle with the disease and its remission on social media, the AP reported.
View ArticleLDA Remembers Martha Bernard
We were saddened to learn of the passing of Martha Bernard, 96, President of ACLD (now LDA) in 1973-74. Martha passed the morning of January 31, 2020 at home in New York City after a brief decline....
View ArticleMan Fights to Get Family Out of China Amid Outbreak
The family flew to Shanghai in early November. Burnett left to come back to the U.S. to work, and his wife and children went to Wuhan for an extended family visit with her parents.
View ArticleSiri and Alexa Probably Can't Help Beat Addiction
In response to 70 different help-seeking queries, the virtual assistants offered "actionable responses" only four times. The most common response was confusion, the investigators found.
View ArticleEmployers Should Help Breastfeeding Moms: Survey
Nearly 79% of respondents said they had a private space at work to express milk. About two-thirds had break time to breastfeed. But lactation consultants and breast pumps were less common.
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