Singer Sia Has Chronic Pain and Genetic Disorder
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome affects connective tissues that support the skin, bones, blood vessels and other organs and tissues, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
View ArticleMany ICU Admissions May Be Preventable, Large Study Suggests
As many as 1 in 6 of the ICU admissions could have been avoided, the researchers found.
View ArticleCause of Paralyzing Illness in Kids Remains Elusive
For several years, the CDC has been investigating the condition, called acute flaccid myelitis (AFM). It's a rare disease that attacks tissue in the spinal cord, causing muscles and reflexes to weaken.
View ArticleAspirin, Antihistamines: Kids Often Use OTC Drugs in Suicide Attempts
Antidepressants, antipsychotics and antihistamines were also common choices, the researchers added.
View ArticleWhat Your Child Would Tell You About ADHD If They Had the Words
Having ADHD is hard. Our kids tell us this — sometimes in words, more often in actions — every single day. We know it’s true. But what many parents don’t always realize is this: Having ADHD is hard in...
View ArticleListen to “Parent Different: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional...
Listen to “Parent Different: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World” with Deborah Reber Click the play button below to listen, or click the download icon to download the podcast and then...
View ArticleQ: My Son Refuses the Help He Desperately Needs!
Q: “My son resists any attempt to clean or organize his room and desk. He also stuffs things into his backpack and forgets what’s in there. He doesn’t want our suggestions or help, and he’s 16. Any...
View ArticleYour Dog Might Just Extend Your Life
Dog ownership decreases a person's overall risk of premature death by 24%, according to researchers who conducted a review of the available medical evidence.
View ArticleAir Pollution Kills as Many People as Cigarettes
The American Lung Association’s 2019 “State of the Air” report shows that more than 141 million people live in counties with unhealthy air, an increase of 7 million people from the 2018 report.
View ArticleWalgreens and Kroger Halt E-Cigarette Sales
U.S. health officials are investigating at least 18 confirmed deaths and 1,080 probable vaping illnesses in 48 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands, CBS News reported.
View ArticleBill Would Limit Nicotine in E-Cigarette Products
Currently, there is no national limit in the U.S., and some brands have nicotine levels several times higher than 20 milligrams per milliliter.
View ArticleSTD Rates Continue to Rise in the U.S.
STD rates in the United States are continuing a years-long climb -- including a sharp rise in the number of babies born with syphilis.
View ArticleOnly a Third of Pregnant Women Get Needed Vaccines
About two-thirds of pregnant women in the United States don't get vaccinated against both flu and whooping cough, putting them and their newborns at risk, a new report from the CDC says.
View ArticleAcupuncture for Your Pets
If your pet has arthritis, allergies, digestive issues, hip dysplasia, or certain neurological disorders, your vet may recommend acupuncture.
View ArticleCommon Cancers in Men
For men, the top four cancers, after prostate cancer, are lung, colorectal, bladder, and melanoma, an oncologist says. Here's what men need to know.
View ArticleCancer and the Workplace
If you've just learned you have cancer, you probably want to tell those closest to you. But what about your employer?
View ArticleSugar Binges and Crashes
Researchers note a loss of sensitivity to the hormone that regulates appetite and fat storage in obese children. Does this explain sugar binges and the “crash” that comes soon after?
View ArticleYour Pregnancy Depression Risk
Depression during pregnancy is still often overlooked, even though it happens just as frequently as the postpartum variety.
View ArticleCancer Screenings You Might Be Missing
Most women know about mammograms and physical exams to check for early signs of breast cancer, but many may not be getting recommended screening exams to help detect and prevent other types of cancer.
View ArticleADHD: “I Really Fouled That Up.” Anxiety: “Hold My Beer.”
I compartmentalize my head into two parts: the brain (cognitive) and the mind (mental/emotional). I think of ADHD as a cognitive issue and anxiety as a mental/emotional one. On occasion, BOTH go...
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