Children Make You Happier -- Once They've Left Home
Having children can make you happier, but only when you're older and if your children have moved out, a new study finds.
View ArticleCity Parks Are a Mood Booster
Large regional parks with lots of tree cover and vegetation conferred the biggest happiness lift, while paved urban plazas offered the least benefit. Smaller neighborhood parks fell somewhere in the...
View ArticleStudy: Neurofeedback and Methylphenidate May Improve ADHD Inattention Equally
August 20, 2019 For decades, medication has been the gold standard in ADHD treatment. Study after study has examined the efficacy of various stimulant medications in increasing performance and...
View ArticleVaping Raises Heart and Lung Concerns
The small study of healthy young adults discovered that even e-cigarettes without nicotine caused a short-lived drop in blood vessel function.
View ArticleTask Force Updates Breast Cancer Recommendations
New recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) may help clarify who can benefit most from a risk assessment test. Now, if a woman has a high risk, the task force is...
View ArticleIt Takes Years for Heart to Recover from Smoking
Experts have long thought that an ex-smoker's risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure or death from heart disease returns to normal within five years.
View ArticleState's Legal Moves Cause Mixed Messages on Toxic Air
In recent weeks, state officials have been moving swiftly to make legal agreements with Sterigenics that, in some cases, have bypassed public input.
View Article“On Allowing My Guerrilla Gardeners to Plant Unexpected Seeds”
“What happened here? Boys… what did you do this time?” I scowled at the sprouts that crowded my potted aloe plant, the fingerprints of my children with ADHD (figuratively) all over them. Tomas, my 6...
View ArticleCould Dirty Air Spur a Rise in Mental Illness?
As air quality declines, the prevalence of mental health conditions may rise, a large, new study suggests.
View Article'Red Flag' Laws May Be Stopping Some Mass Shootings
"Red flag" laws that allow police to take guns away from people who've threatened mass shootings are designed to save lives, but do they?
View ArticleWomen's Mid-Life Stress Might Effect Memory
Stressful experiences in middle age are associated with greater memory loss among women later in life, a new study says.
View ArticleCBP Won't Vaccinate Migrants Against Flu
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency's announcement that it won't vaccinate migrants is being slammed by public health experts.
View ArticleThe Best ADHD Diet According to ADDitude Readers
Q: Which food, supplement, or ADHD diet has helped you manage symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD) “Before my diagnosis, while studying law, I used ginseng, Bio-Strath,...
View ArticleBrutal Ragweed Season Forecast
People who have allergies may be in for a rough ragweed season this summer and fall, thanks to hotter and wetter weather nationwide.
View ArticleMore Antibiotics, Higher Odds for Colon Cancer?
Taking certain antibiotics -- especially multiple times or for long courses -- may put you at risk for colon cancer, a large new study suggests.
View ArticleAging Narrows Gender Gap in Flu Vaccine Response
Here's some bad news for older women during flu season: Aging reduces the stronger immune response that women typically have to vaccination, a new study finds.
View ArticleMany Children on Medicaid Lack Adequate Follow-Up Care for ADHD
August 21, 2019 Many children with attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD) who are enrolled in Medicaid do not receive sufficient ADHD treatment, according to a newly released government report.1 The...
View ArticleStudy: Several Physical Diseases More Prevalent in Children with ADHD
August 22, 2019 At least 86% of children with ADHD have at least one ADHD comorbidity — or related, co-occurring condition — compared to just 40% of children without ADHD. This finding, from a new...
View ArticleA 12-Step Program for Procrastination
As a mental health professional who works with teens with ADHD, one of the biggest challenges I see is procrastination. Everyone procrastinates, including myself. One of my shortcomings is folding...
View ArticleDefiant Child Behavior Strategies for Parents… from Parents
ADDitude asked: What are your best strategies for parenting a child with ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)? “Reward charts for good behavior; redirection for poor behavior.” -Sheri,...
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