Gifts Worth Our Attention
Giant inflatable Santas and fake plastic trees have arrived. Black Friday is still a far-off threat, yet it’s tough not to begin thinking about holiday wish lists and perfect gifts. As the ADDitude editors begin compiling our 2019 lists, we’d like to know: What is the best gift you have ever received — or given — and why was it amazing? Enter your comment below and you’ll be entered to win a Forbrain headset for improved attention and memory.
Forbrain is a specially designed headset built on robust, patented technology aimed at enhancing speech, attention, memory, and more. Several scientific studies have proven its efficacy, and this award-winning device is recommended by thousands of therapists and used by families worldwide for easy at-home practice.
How does it work? The user receives instantaneous high-quality auditory feedback of their own voice via bone-conduction. The device also includes a dynamic filter that creates sound contrasts in the user’s voice to periodically stimulate the brain, keeping it alert. Working on their audio-vocal loop, the user will naturally improve their speech but also their attention and concentration levels. Forbrain is very user friendly and no extra training is required; the user simply needs to use their voice to practice: reading out loud, speaking, singing, memorizing a poem or a speech, studying etc.
Enter to Win
To win the Forbrain headset (a $299 value), use the Comments section below to tell us: What is the best gift you have ever received — or given — and why was it amazing?
Saturday, November 30, at 11:59 pm EST.
Only Comments posted with a valid email address will be considered valid entries. One entry per household per day. The editors of ADDitude will select one winner at random and notify the winner via email on December 4.
(Official rules)