This award honors and recognizes an adult with learning disabilities who has shown a strong dedication and commitment to advancing the issues of adults with learning disabilities. It is the wish of LDA to thank, in Harry Sylvester’s name, an adult with learning disabilities for his/her commitment to those living with learning disabilities.
The Harrison Sylvester Award was created in 2010 to honor Harry Sylvester, a gentle but strong voice in the field of learning disabilities. Harry discovered in his mid 50’s, after struggling for most of life, that he was an adult with learning disabilities. With the knowledge of his learning disabilities came an empowerment to help others, and he dedicated his life to this work. Harry was a President of the Learning Disabilities Association of America and carried LDA’s message of acceptance, understanding and support throughout the country.
Procedure for Nominations
- The recipient of the Harrison Sylvester Award must be a person with learning disabilities who has shown a significant commitment and dedication to adults with learning disabilities and their issues.
- Call for nominations will be sent to the LDA membership and affiliates each Summer.
- Nominations must include a completed nomination form, a brief description of how the learning disabilities have affected his/her life and a one-page description of the work the individual has done.
- The recipient is selected by the Adult Topics Committee in conjunction with the Support Services Committee. The award will be presented annually at the national conference.
- Up to $800 will be available to reimburse the award winner for airfare ($400 cap) and $100 per diem to attend the conference. Complimentary conference registration will also be provided.
- Nominations are to be sent to the LDA office (LDA, P.O. Box 10369, Pittsburgh, PA 15234 or Fax: (412) 344-0224)
- Print and return the nominations form or use our online nomination form.
- All nominations must be postmarked by December 1, 2019.
Questions can be sent to Julia Frost, Adult Topics Committee Chairperson at