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Listen to “The Exercise Rx for ADHD” with John J. Ratey, M.D.

Listen to “The Exercise Rx for ADHD” with John J. Ratey, M.D.

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View the slide presentation that accompanied the original broadcast of this live webinar.

Powerful evidence shows that exercise helps children and adults manage their symptoms of ADHD. Movement turns on the brain’s attention networks and eases other symptoms of ADHD, such as hyperactivity. In short, physical activity benefits the ADHD brain by elevating levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, two chemicals linked to attention.

A steady diet of movement and vigorous play also has a positive effect on behavior and motivation, resulting in better school performance and better self-esteem. What’s more, studies suggest that exercise can reduce addictive behaviors — from excessive screen time to vaping and marijuana use. Overall, physical activity is a go-to treatment that parents and adults can use to better their lives with ADHD.

In this episode, learn:

  • Why exercise and play have such a powerful effect on the brain in general and attention in particular
  • The latest research on how physical activity helps improve ADHD symptoms
  • How exercise acts like a stimulant medication to increase neurotransmitter levels
  • Case studies of how exercise improves learning and motivation
  • Exercise routines that are especially effective for patients diagnosed with ADHD

Recommended resources:

Listener testimonials:

  • “Excellent webinar! I plan to use some of the ideas — and to look at some of the your webinars ASAP! Thank you!”
  • “I always get valuable information from your webinars that can be used effectively in the classroom. It really helps when dealing with my ASD/ADHD students.”
  • “Great job! I’m so glad I was able to connect with this webinar and the information. Dr Ratey is always so good with explaining situations and providing a clear perspective.”

Listen in and tell us what you think in the comments. If you’re interested in advertising in ADDitude’s ADHD Experts podcast, write to us at anne@newhopemedia.com.

John Ratey, M.D., is a member of the ADDitude ADHD Medical Review Panel.

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Note on audio quality: This podcast is a recording of a webinar series, and the audio has been captured from telephone conversations, not recorded in a studio. Register to participate in the live webinars at: www.additude.com/webinars/

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