Listen to “How to Parent Your Child or Teen with ADHD Like a Coach” with Elaine Taylor-Klaus, PCC, CPCC, and Diane Dempster
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View the slide presentation that accompanied the original broadcast of this live webinar.
If you’ve tried to use reward systems, start a planner habit, or otherwise create a consistently structured environment for a child with ADHD, ODD or anxiety, then you know it never works in real life like it does in the books. You want to get things organized in your home — to make family and school life run more smoothly — but consistency is fleeting, if it sticks at all. You put reminders in place with only the best intentions, but they rarely work as you planned. And, wow, that’s frustrating.
Systems and structures only succeed when you focus on the change you’re trying to achieve, and you can learn to do that with a “coach approach” to problem solving. Here, learn how to get things done — without shouldering every responsibility yourself.
In this episode, learn:
- Two essential components to consider when creating any organization system
- Key reasons for using systems and different kinds to consider
- 8 ways to create systems that are effective
- The role of rebellion, and how it interferes with your success
- How to stop focusing on the system and start focusing on the desired outcome
- The role of motivation
- The four phases of “Letting Go” when parenting complex kids
Recommended resources:
- Less Messy in 30 Days!
- How Chores Can Improve a Child’s Behavior
- 15 Ways to Teach Better Organization to Kids with ADHD
- A Kinder “Time-Out” That Really Works
Listener testimonials:
- “Personally I am so GRATEFUL for the time, research, practicality, and honesty that y’all put into this webinar. Thank you for these invaluable strategies.”
- “This was one of the most informational yet simple (in a good way!) webinars I have had the pleasure of listening to. Great info!”
- “Very helpful in what to keep in mind while setting up systems and structures. Some sample system print outs would have been helpful.”
Listen in and tell us what you think in the comments. If you’re interested in advertising in ADDitude’s ADHD Experts podcast, write to us at
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Click the “play” button at the top of the page to start the episode. Keep that window or tab open on your browser while you listen, or the podcast episode will stop playing.
Note on audio quality: This podcast is a recording of a webinar series, and the audio has been captured from telephone conversations, not recorded in a studio. Register to participate in the live webinars at:
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