It all began in my pediatrician’s office. During each and every appointment, I was calm and well behaved… until the doctor walked in. Then, boom! I would begin to cry.
It was non-stop. Nobody and nothing helped to calm me. Then the pediatrician realized something: I might be stupid.
Now you might be reading this and shaking your head thinking, “Huh?” But I swear it’s true. The pediatrician point blank asked my parents if they suspected I was uneducable.
[Self-Test: Could My Child Have a Learning Disability?]
Needless to say, I got a new pediatrician shortly thereafter.
Then there was the psychologist who was so amazed after a session because I didn’t know what a frankfurter was and felt this was important for my parents to know.
“Did you know Amy doesn’t know what a frankfurter is?”
“That’s because we’ve always called them hot dogs,” my mother said. The psychologist paused and said, “Good point.”
[What Learning Disabilities Look Like In the Classroom]
Okay, everyone. All together now: 1-2-3…DUH!
My learning disabilities were eventually discovered through an IQ test when I was 5. It was also discovered that I have an issue with my fine motor skills, which is a pretty common thing for those with learning difficulties.
Right from the start, I have been a lost cause. Society has pretty much told me to take a hike.
I spent most of my life trying to understand what was wrong with me. But I think I’ve hit a point where I just don’t really care anymore.
I am who I am. This is how God made me.
I know that I am the perfect me.
I am enough.
And I refuse to feel shame for society’s inability to see that.