Listen to “Get Things Done: ADD-Friendly Productivity Strategies for Adults” with Linda Walker, PCC
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View the slide presentation that accompanied the original broadcast of this live webinar.
Adults with ADHD are always looking for new ways to be more effective and productive in their lives. But listening to productivity strategies from top gurus will get you nowhere. Experts don’t factor in the way the unique wiring of the ADHD brain. Those with ADHD need ADD-friendly approaches to be their most productive.
People with ADHD have to think out of the neurotypical box to boost their productivity in everyday life. They to be engaged and interested in the task they’re working on and use tools that are in sync with their differently wired brain. The good news is that most adults with ADHD can assemble a productivity toolbox that works for them. It’s time to embrace and use ADHD-specific approaches to help them get things done.
In this episode:
- Identify guru-touted productivity strategies that don’t work for adults with ADHD
- Determine why the ADHD brain has different productivity needs than the neurotypical brain
- Learn about alternative strategies to the dreaded to-do list that works for the ADHD brain
- Apply a “brain momentum” strategy to improve productivity, overcome procrastination, and avoid feeling overwhelmed and paralyzed by critical tasks
- Implement practical approaches that help adults with ADHD get things gone more efficiently and with less stress
Recommended resources:
- [Self-Test] Do I Have ADHD? ADD Symptoms in Adults
- 8 Paper Planners That Will Change Your Life
- Free Download: Focus Your ADHD Brain With 5 Helpful Hacks
- Hyperfocus — at Your Service
Listener testimonials:
- “So good. Thank you for talking about this reality and providing solutions, and from a credible and positive person.”
- “First time doing anything like this and the tears just flowed within first couple of minutes.
It so hit home.” - “Very motivating. Useful information and strategies regarding self talk, taking responsibility and how to have conversations with spouse, supervisors. Great speaker. Thank you!”
- “Fantastic! One of the best webinars I’ve heard on ADD. I’d love to hear more from this presenter. Wish it could’ve gone on for another hour or more!”
Listen in and tell us what you think in the comments. If you’re interested in advertising in ADDitude’s ADHD Experts podcast, write to us at
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Click the “play” button at the top of the page to start the episode. Keep that window or tab open on your browser while you listen, or the podcast episode will stop playing.
Note on audio quality: This podcast is a recording of a webinar series, and the audio has been captured from telephone conversations, not recorded in a studio. Register to participate in the live webinars at:
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